Monday, January 19, 2009

Music Monday

The inspirational word for this year that has been speaking to me is Hope.  See, quite a few years ago I gave up on hope. I felt that if I would hope for things eventually I would just be crushed in the long run. So why would I want to put my raw self out there for that kind of rejection? I think that is when I started to close myself off to alot of the "good" feelings that would come with life's lessons. 

In trying to better myself, and live a more positive and fulfilling life, I have found that alot of what we all live on and learn from is...Hope.  Without hope, love and faith....what kind of person can we truly inspire to be?  Hope can be defined through two as a noun, and the other as a verb.  As a noun...Hope is defined as the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that the events will turn out for the best.  As a verb, Hope is defined by looking forward to with desire and reasonable confidence or better believe, desire or trust.  

So I'm taking a step back and learning that Hope can be a good thing. That if you truly believe and allow yourself to have faith. Good things can come to you and even tho at the time it might not seem like the best situation or is Hope that teaches us that there is a far better lesson to the situation than what we see on the surface at the time.  

So for Music Monday, the song that is speaking to me lately and giving me an Awesome perspective to how He would like us to lead our lives comes from the beautiful Addison Rose.

Here she sings....Hope Now

Here is Hope, Here is Faith and Here is Luvs to ya....

1 Feedbacks:

Janet said...

I love this song and am so thankful my hope rests in Jesus.