Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So its been awhile since Ive actually sat down at the computer. Kinda needed that break for a bit. Kinda weird how our lives revolve around a little box these days. Ive decided that maybe those little thoughts that kept rolling around in my head over the past few months needed to be released and what better way than just letting them go. See I'm not to worried any more about what people think of me and what I write about because I know that not many people read my writings so I'm sure the bizarre things I write about will just end up floating in the cyber clouds.

Up until recently I have been consumed with what I need to do or what I need to say to get people to like me. Is what I am...good enough for others? I also have always dreamed about what it would be like stepping into other shoes. Seems like we always want to pick up the shoes that tell the good stories...never the ones that tell the bad. Then I can I actually find the true meaning of my OWN life if I want to live through others. I cant...It would be living a fraudulent life. Definitely not a true life for myself. But even tho I tried to fit in.....trying to post about my lovely wonderful beautiful kids.....or posting pictures etc. I just couldn't get the feel for it. Felt like a failure in comparison to those other beautiful/talented/witty/smart etc... bloggers.

Seems like I'm always trying to be like everyone else...but never just being Me. So I'm going to take this little blog space to just ramble about what thoughts go through my head on a day to day or week to week or month to month basis. (see I'm putting a disclaimer in there case I cant make it back tomorrow ) I'm going to set out to really find the true meaning of my life. I may write about how depressed I'm feeling. Or I may write about an off the wall topic. But either way I'm letting it go...and I know that will be best for me. I am the one that is usually the listener in the conversations....never seems like what I have to say matter to most people. Everyone can go on and on about what they need to. I will always listen. Never stepping on toes.

So there you have it. This little corner of cyber heaven will be occupied by me. Just me. My thoughts. My conversations. My inspirations. My ME!

Now I didn't say you had to please don't feel compelled. For I am truly not trying to burden no one. Ive found out how to do this via email and via maybe just maybe I can get to this more than once every harvest moon.

Much love and peace

5 Feedbacks:

Kirsty said...

Looking forward to reading anything you have to say.You are a lovely person and everyone owes themselves the freedom of feeling OK about just being who they are. Good for YOU!

Janet said...

I'm glad you're back. I've missed seeing you around. You can't be anyone but you so don't even try. You're perfect just the way you are. As Jonny Diaz sings, "there could never be a more beautiful you."
You're exactly who you are meant to be. Let your light shine!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I've been thinking about you. Glad to see you back.

Heck, just ramble on about anything and everything you want. I do the same thing. LOL.

Be the you that you want to be! That's all that any of us can be expected to... well, BE. LOL.

Lots of love,


paparazzimom said...

Good to see you Stef! I've missed you around here!
I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts.
Will you do me a favor and go listen to Mark Schultz' "Live Like You're Loved".

Kelly T said...

It took me awhile to comment but I missed you, to, blog friend! I'm glad you're going to still be around somewhat.