Sunday, November 1, 2009


As I looked around today and soaked in all that the people I was around today acted and talked about, it made me wonder a bit.  I understand that each and everyone is their own unique being. Each different in their own special blessed way.  I sat back and admired how one person just had this pizazz about themself.  They just were......I don't know how to really word it.....they just were living, being. 

They didn't care if someone or anyone looked at them weird. They were having down right fun. They acted like a child might act. Not necessarily childish behavior but how a child just plays and has fun with no cares in the world.  What intriged me was the question what age were we told to let go of that feeling? When were we told that as soon as we were adults that those feelings must be shelved? 

Can you think back to that feeling you got when you were a kid having fun?  Maybe that time when we went outside on a late night to play hide and seek with our friends...or how when we played on the playground during recess? Something about those feelings seemed so free. But I want to know why I hardly ever have those feelings anymore?

Don't get me wrong. I still have fun and do crazy stuff. But its just not that same deep down inner fun feeling? Why did it have to be shelved for me? How do I get that back or what do I need to let go to get it back?  Or is that feeling just gone now? 

I don't know the answer yet. Its something I will figure out on this journey tho. Do you still have your inner childhood pizazz? Or has yours been shelved too?

Peace & Luvs to ya!!!!!

1 Feedbacks:

Kelly T said...

This is definitely my hubby! He is so full of life, so fun and carefree and unconcerned with looking silly. God has used him to teach me so much in our ten years together about letting go and just living life!!