Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 29: Loves Motivation

Today's Dare says: Before you see your spouse again today, pray for them by name and for their needs. Whether it comes easy for you or not, say "I love you:, then express love to them in some tangible way. Go to God in prayer again, thanking Him for giving you the privilege of loving this one special person-unconditionally, the way He love both of you.

With that being said and reading over the literature....what spoke out to me the most was how our attitudes seem to affect our motivations to love. I know that this has been present in our relationship where when one person is in a bad mood...the other tends to feed off of it and now we are both in bad attitudes. When one is in a good mood..we both seem to be in a good mood. Oh the cycle of our bad selves LOL. What Ive learnt from this and past experiences is that I don't need to take things so personally. When he comes in with a bad mood...its not all about me. I need to listen and understand. Show compassion...but when I know I didn't cause him the pain...don't take it that way. I don't need to battle back...but just love him....just as the Lord loves us unconditionally. As quoted in the book..."Love that has God as its primary focus is unlimited in the heights it can attain."

So I'm motivated to live my life for me...for what I feel, for what I know. Lean on God to help me along this path. My life does not revolve around my husband and what he feels....but I will take his feelings into consideration. I will listen and show compassion. But just cuz he is acting one way doesn't mean I need to follow suit. I am my own person. I am not him. Two great people encouraged me today and both not live my life for my life for me...Please God, don't worry about pleasing him. It will all fall into place with Gods hands and help.

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