Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 12-14 Keep on loving

Day 12: Love lets the other win

Day 13: Love fights fair

Day 14: Love takes delight

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday has all seemed so eerily calm given the circumstances of the past few weeks. Almost a sense of peace has fallen upon our house. Its hard to explain, but I feel God is working behind the scenes right at the moment. Sometimes its good to just sit back and allow God to do the dirty work. That is what he is there for right? I truly know that I can not fix this storm, but I do know that he will not forsake me or leave me. He is my Heavenly Father and does not want to see me suffer. So with this sense of peace I'm chalking it up to him taking care of me. My mind has almost bit the dust and needs a break. I'm tired of thinking and wondering and worrying. Ive turned it over to Him to do. Seems a bit strange because I'm so used to trying my best to fix everything. I always wanted to be in control of my life. Now...I'm not, and it feels strange. Not a bad strange tho. Just different.

So for my dares these past few days Ive learnt alot about how in control I always seemed to come across. For love lets the other win.....oh boy, was that a doozy to realize. I always felt that I had to defend myself or my way was the best way and no one could try and change my mind. How selfish of me right?! I know!!! Ive realized that sometimes you just got to let the small stuff go. No two people are alike, and we must pick our battles wisely. Sometimes its best not to say anything at all. Doesn't mean the other one is right, it just means why sweat the small stuff that really isn't gonna make a difference 5 to 10 years from now. It means putting your partners feelings at the top of the list. Wouldn't I want the same respect in return. It was really learning how to fight fair. Knowing that I need to really listen before speaking. Absorb what he may be feeling. Just because he has opinions doesn't necessarily mean I have to agree...but we are each unique and different so I need to embrace that. Just as each one of my friends and family members are different and is my husband. Just because we got married doesnt mean we need to be the exactly the same. If we were what would be the use then?

Which leads to Love takes really putting my husbands thoughts and feelings into consideration...Im really learning to choose to love him rather than just feel love for him. When I make that choice Im opening my eyes wider. Not living so blinded by false ideas. Learning that true love is more powerful and rewarding when everything is laid out on the table. We are all in control of our choices and feelings. We can choose to let something bother us and eat at us, or we can choose to snip the problem right in the bud by looking at each circumstance with our eyes wide open. Its not all about me. Im learning that.

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