Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 9 Love makes good impressions....

Helloooooooo!!!!!! :0) reading the title...I'm sure you can imagine what today's Dare is going to be about. Today I must think of a specific way I'd like to greet him. I must do it with a smile and with enthusiasm. Then determine to change my greeting to reflect my love for him.

It takes me back and makes me remember how when we were fresh into our relationship and how wonderful it was to see each other after being separated for however long during the day. There was always that sense of peace and calmness. Such love poured out from one another and let each other know how important we were to each other. How just coming home and being together made everything alright. Then as time went on, that sense faded. I don't know why it faded....but now I know that it was wrong to let it fade. We let everyday life get in between what was most important to us. I let the actions of what I felt thru the day rub off on my greeting to him. He did the same as well. We are both guilty of this matter. I think we may not be the only couple in the sea that has done this.

I do know tho....that I am making that conscience effort to change that behavior in me....and not only with him...but also with my children, family, friends etc. If I can go to Jazzercise or the grocery store and be completely nice and loving towards complete strangers....why in the world cant I do it to those that matter the most to me. I guess it really does all fall back on to....Do unto others as you would want done unto yourself. I need to stop waiting to see the change and just get off my high horse and make the change myself. If those that encounter me see me with a smile, with a beautiful greeting it might just might make a slight improvement to their day. What better gift can I give to those by helping improve their day. And it don't cost no money. I know when I'm around those the lift me up unconditionally, it really helps me. Its my time to pay it all back.

Soooo.......Hey there!!!! How are YOU doing today? I really hope that you are having a wonderful day....because YOU deserve it!!!!! Huge Hugs!!!!

oh and ps......Since the boys go to their dads tonight again....he would like to have another talk. So continued prayers would be greatly appreciated. I did warn him that there would be no fighting or raising of my voice on my end because I am so over that. I dont know how many more heartbreaking conversations I can continue to have. But I guess if God takes me to it he will lead me thru it, right?! So here goes another day of no eating and stomache full of messed up nerves. What a great weightloss plan right?...Not!

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